Quantum Affirmations Online Manifestation Course
It's time to change the channel—and take a quantum leap into the future you desire. Renowned intuitive counselor and bestselling author Monte Farber shows you how to consciously manifest your goals
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It's a revolutionary method for harnessing your mind's power based on quantum physics.
Monte Farber offers a fun, 5-step process designed with simple techniques that produce powerful results. He has researched intriguing scientific principles and the complementary metaphysical laws that support how QUANTUM AFFIRMATIONS work.
With this course, he shows how to use these principles to develop your intuition, and use visualization, affirmation, and manifestation techniques to create the future you want.
Monte Farber
Important Course Information
Introduction Video
Why Quantum Affirmations Work
Step 1: Introduction
Step 1: Video Tutorial
Step 1: Worksheet
Step 2: Video Tutorial
Step 2: Worksheet
Step 3: Video Tutorial
Step 3: Worksheet
Step 4: Video Tutorial
Step 4: Worksheet
Step 5: Video Tutorial
Step 5: Worksheet
Introduction to Past Students' Interviews
Career (Before)
Career (After)
Love (Before)
Love (After)
Finance (Before)
Finance (After)
Physical Appearance (Before)
Physical Appearance (After)
Quick Guide to Quantum Affirmations
Quantumplaytion for Weight Loss
Quantumplaytion for Love
Quantumplaytion for Success
Quantumplaytion for Wealth
Spiritual Essence Meditation
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Regular price
3 x $237.50
Silver Package - Installment Plan
Silver Package